Featuring poetry by Candace Black, John McKernan, James Tyner with audio poetry by Amy Ash and Mandy Malloy. Also in this issue, read fiction by Lindsay Merbaum, Paige Riehl, and Gregory J. Wolos and nonfiction by Emily Adler and Tom Molanphy. The photography of Marius G. Sipa creates the visual centerpiece for this new issue.
From the Editor’s Notes
H.K. Hummel
The sky looks like it portends snow, and the maples are bare of all the brilliant fall colors they had just weeks ago. This morning, a woodpecker was busily drilling the tree in our yard, and like the woodpecker, I feel the urgent need to tidy up the winter supplies.
As I’ve been reviewing the proofs for this issue and doing the last bits of tidying work before we publish, I’ve been moved by the stories found in these pages, and the authentic glimpses of humanity that they reveal. When such pieces as each of these come across our editorial desks, we set down our coffee, rub our bleary eyes, and happily nod in turns. [read more]
See below for our nominations for the Pushcart Prize!